• Getting Involved

    参与! Whether it is a job or a volunteer position, getting involved will help you to strengthen your resume and application.

    City of Portland’s Opportunities for Teens:

    Volunteer for the City of Portland in many of their different programs city wide:

    • Youth Conservation Crew (ages 14-19)

    The Youth Conservation Crew (YCC) provides employment opportunities for a diverse population of Portland-area youth. 人员保护, 恢复, and manage Portland's parks and natural areas while developing essential job skills and exploring environmental career paths.

    • Volunteer with Portland Parks & 娱乐:

    They offer a variety of fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities at sites across the city!


    Teen Volunteering - Hands On Greater Portland

    Get yourself and your friends involved in volunteering. Create cards for local seniors, plant a tree in your neighborhood, stock the pantry at your local food bank and make a difference! Options for volunteering for Teens



    搜索 volunteer opportunities in a field of your interest.


    Portland-Area Opportunities for Pet Lovers 

    Whether you’re a pet owner, or someone who just loves being around animals, volunteering your time to help pet rescue and aid organizations is a great way to make a positive impact in your community while helping animals in need. Here are more options to volunteer